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Voice & Influence

Voice & Influence

We aim to ensure that the role of charities and volunteers across the Harrogate District is recognised, and their contribution is valued and supported.  We support the sector to have a strong voice and to influence decision makers in our area.

Connecting and collaborating, we bring people togther to achieve more, grow local giving and strengthen volunteering.  We champion the role of the local voluntary sector and celebrate volunteering.

We run networks which help people to connect and discuss concerns and challenges in local service provision. We also represent the voice of the voluntary sector on local strategic planning groups.

We currently facilitate the following Networks in the Harrogate District:

Connecting Ripon Network

Chief Officers and Chairs Group

Friends of THE LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate District

HADCA Introduction Sessions 

Until April 2020 we facilitated the Volunteer Managers Network  and thank everyone who contributed over the years